Sexual Fantasy: Significant Differences between Men and Women

Sexual fantasies are the most common sexual psychological activity of human beings and are commonly known as sexual immorality. Every person with a sound mind will have sexual fantasies that vary from person to person. Only the frequency, length, content, nature and attitude of appearance are very different. Studies have shown that the level of detail and vividness of sexual fantasies is directly proportional to an individual’s sexual experience, imagination, and media information. The 1994 National Health and Social Life Survey (NHSLS) found that 19% of women and 54% of men had sexual fantasies at least once a day. It shows that sexual fantasies are normal sexual psychological phenomena and an important part of the sexual psychological personality. Sexual fantasies do not mean that a person must have sex. He may be a flash of thoughts, images, or a story made up of boredom. Sexual fantasies reflect certain sexual desires and experiences in individual life.

There are gender differences in sexual fantasies. Women often fantasize about their own sex-dominated way of making love, or they have sex with the objects they admire and admire. Most female sexual fantasies have romantic plots. Male sexual fantasy is more active and objective, often based on visual imagination. Men usually take the female who is most attractive to them as the object of sexual fantasies. They have the fantasy to have sex with two or more women and to watch other people’s sexual intercourse. The common point is to satisfy the desire to peep. The content of sexual fantasy is generally pleasant sexual behavior. Some people are bystanders in fantasy, watching other people’s sexual behavior like watching a movie; some people are playing the role of sexual behavior as if they are participating in sexual behavior; some people are playing multiple roles in sexual fantasy Role; there are also a few who are sexually fantasizing about being raped and sexually abused.

Regarding the interpretation of sexual fantasies, psychoanalytic theory believes that it is the result of a combination of the subconscious attack instinct and sexual fantasies. If it is directed at sexual objects, it constitutes the illusion of abuse. If it is directed at itself, it constitutes the illusion of accepting sexual abuse. The psychoanalytic theory also believes that, due to the traditional influence of sexual depression, women often feel shame and guilt about sex. If you imagine your pursuit of sexual behavior in sexual fantasies, you will cause inner guilt and anxiety. At this time, through the “anti-phase” psychological defense mechanism, you will imagine that you will be forced to “rape” behavior, and forgive yourself for enjoying sexual pleasure. This is the interpretation of rape in sexual fantasies. The consensus in the psychological community is that sexual fantasies are the result of cortical activity. The relationship between mediation and consciousness and subconsciousness is the spiritual satisfaction of the unrealizable sexual desires in real life. Sexual fantasy can strengthen the body’s sexual stimulation and enhance the sexual experience, so as to obtain deeper sexual satisfaction.

Sexual fantasies have a positive effect. Sexual fantasies are a necessary factor for sexual behavior. When combined with physical stimulation during sexual activity, sexual fantasies can produce a stronger sexual experience. The sexual energy in the body is more fully released, and the orgasm is promoted. Some people also think that yin and yang are easy to be full of and self-sufficient. That is, ordinary people or vigorous, or kidney deficiency and kidney deficiency, will easily produce sexual fantasies.

Secondly, sexual fantasies can keep sexual life in marriage fresh. Sexual life in marriage is often numb due to factors such as physical strength, emotions, and environment. The subjective satisfaction of each sexual life cannot reach a satisfactory result. Especially those women who have difficulty in orgasm can self-adjust and reach orgasm through sexual fantasy. Also, sexual fantasies can help treat functional orgasm disorders. Sexual fantasies are the most powerful way to achieve sexual stimulation. Therefore, sex doctors will encourage patients to mobilize their positive memories to improve the situation. This is the main treatment idea of ​​sexy concentration training. Many psychological treatments for male impotence and premature ejaculation, female sexual apathy, and vaginal spasm must accept the role of a sexual partner through sexual fantasies, lying on their backs, relaxing, and experiencing each other’s feelings when they touch the body. In a safe, comfortable, softly lit room with music, focus on sexual fantasies to treat sexual dysfunction that has long been scarred inside. It can be seen that sexual fantasy is also a means of clinical treatment of sexual dysfunction.

Third, most people are positive and optimistic about sexual fantasies. Sexual fantasy can make us more joyful and understand the diversity and happiness of life, and also fulfill some unsatisfactory sexual desires, and strengthen our self-confidence in another virtual cloud space. Why not? As for whether sexual fantasies can lead to sexual crimes, this is also the confusion of many people about sexual fantasies. Sexual fantasies are a kind of idea between consciousness and subconsciousness, just like any three-dimensional figure we draw on a piece of paper. Both are two-dimensional, and the behavior and movement in real life are three-dimensional. The thought and consciousness in dreams have no time and logic, that is, four-dimensional space. That’s why our sexual fantasies are. When an individual leaves the living environment, consciousness becomes the master of his behavior. Reason and morality enable one to separate sexual fantasy from reality. A normal consciousness, mental health, and generally do not confuse the boundaries between imagination and reality. Sexual fantasies are not implemented.
Of course, there are also some people who have less self-control, such as adolescent teenagers, who may linger in sexual fantasies, so that they interfere with their normal lives. If this is the case, adult and doctor help is required. As for those who have developed “compulsive fantasy”, it is a psychological deviation and requires medical treatment.

Sexual fantasies are different from sexual dreams, and they are also very different. Whether it is in the state of sobriety and confusion, as long as it is healthy and pleasant, we should accept it naturally.

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