The evolution of the real doll

All the backgrounds we just introduced make us the focus of realistic sex dolls. Call ita fantasy doll, a sex robot, and call it Bianca. The fact is that a […]

Topics that are often misled in sexual life

This is a question that many men are confused and biased about. In fact, women’s vagina is a very inclusive organ, which can accommodate the delivery of a baby. Sexologists […]

A perfect gift for a husband ,boyfriend,partner

Sex toys didn’t become a bit popular until 1999, mainly because of a small episode in the famous drama “Sex City”, in which there was a scene of a female […]

Telling sex jokes before intimacy can ignite passion

In your sexual life, There are many different ways to express love. According to the Indian Times recently, a little more laughter can make the bedroom full of humor, more […]

Six of the best moments for sex

1. Saturday night The busy work from nine to five makes the husband and wife not spend too much time, and have no time to enjoy the sexual life. On […]