FAQ for New beginners of TPE sex doll

Q: Is it difficult to maintain a TPE sex doll by myself ?A: If you are concerned about wear and tear after prolonged use, we will provide you with daily […]

The future of sex: The rapidly developing robot lover

The robot industry, which has been developing all the time, makes people have a good vision for the future life. Nanny robots can handle dirty and tiring housework for people, […]

What does a woman want about sex ?

Despite the existence of male sex dolls, women’s choices are still very limited. In the sea of silicone dolls, there are usually only two or three male ones. When Brian […]

I slept with the world’s first male sex doll

Back in 2016, Vice guest sex columnist Carly Shoretino went on a field trip and launched a video themed “I slept with the world’s first male sex doll.” In the […]

What’s Platinum TPE Sex Doll

The materials we have heard of realistic sex dolls are generally divided into “silicone” and “TPE”.We can always see the option of platinum tpe when browsing the sex doll website. […]