Differences in sexual behavior between men and women

In the sexual life of many couples, the sexual behaviors of men and women are same, which are caused by strong sexual desire. However, there are obvious differences between men and women in sexual behaviors. Let’s have a detailed understanding.

1. The difference of sex sensitive area: after the human body experiences sexual stimulation, it is easy to induce sexual excitement, which is called sex sensitive area. Sex doll can also help men or women achieve orgasm. It has been confirmed that there is a significant difference in the sex sensitive areas between men and women. The sensitive areas of men are concentrated in and around the penis, especially the head and neck of the penis. In addition, the lips and the tip of the tongue are also sensitive. The sexual sensitive areas of women are widely distributed, almost all over the body. Especially sensitive areas are clitoris, vagina mouth, labia and inner thigh; in addition, buttocks, breasts (especially nipples), lips, tongue and cheeks are also very sensitive; ears, neck and armpit are also sensitive areas, but clitoris has more nerve endings, the most sensitive.

2. Differences in sexual desire initiation: once orgasm occurs, women experience sexual pleasure more strongly than men. And some people need a sex toy to reach orgasm. The orgasmic experience of male ejaculation disappeared in only a few seconds, followed by a “refractory period” in which sexual stimulation did not occur again. Women not only have a longer duration of orgasm pleasure than men, but also have the ability of continuous orgasm, without “refractory period”. The conditions for inducing sexual activity are sexual stimulation, including visual stimulation, auditory stimulation, olfactory stimulation and tactile stimulation. Visual stimulation, such as facial beauty, body shape beauty and demeanor beauty, is an effective sexual stimulation for men, which is easy to activate the sexual impulse of men; auditory stimulation, such as speech, includes sexual words and love songs. Through olfactory stimulation, it is easier to start the sexual impulse of women. Tactile stimulation, such as touching, kissing and cuddling of female and male skin contact, is the catalyst of orgasm, which is easy to produce sexual pleasure.

Female orgasm is more affected by psychological factors than male. Women’s sexual excitement, sexual desire start and progress are also much slower than men, so it is difficult for women to reach orgasm. Once the orgasm experience sexual pleasure, women are stronger than men. The orgasmic experience of male ejaculation disappeared in only a few seconds, followed by a “refractory period” in which sexual stimulation did not occur again. Women not only have a longer duration of orgasm pleasure than men, but also have the ability of continuous orgasm, without “refractory period”.

After the detailed introduction of the above content, we believe that we have a certain understanding of the differences in sexual behavior between men and women. Of course, there are different differences between different people. What we need to do is to understand the differences in sexual behavior of the opposite sex, so that we can easily get a high-quality sexual life for each other.