The best sex doll is a work of art

“Now all the museums in the world are full of artistic creation brought by this basic impulse, the greatest literature, the most beautiful music … The study of sex is the study of the origin of life, and science holds this key.”

We are understanding sex science from a more open perspective, and the rise of the sex toy market has made us bravely face the needs of the body. Sexual needs are no longer a difficult topic, but the popularity of sex dolls still has a long way to go.

Thousands of men in China are buying female silicone sex dolls. This adult industry revolution is on the rise. In this country, which provides 70% of the world’s sex toys, and the emerging middle class, which has more freedom and cash than ever before, it’s no surprise that people have fun in more experimental ways. Porn is a national crime, and the creators of America’s largest porn site are serving prison sentences. Still, in China, the sex toy industry is still worth about $ 2 billion because love always wins. The current users of these sex dolls mainly have the following three reasons to meet physiological needs; photography sharing; role playing.