Men who want to have healthy sex should eat less of the five foods

Top: fat

Consequence: red meat (bacon, sausage, lunch meat) makes you unable to be strong. Saturated fat and cholesterol narrow blood vessels, including those that carry blood to the erotic site. During sexual life, the blood supply of the little brother is insufficient and it is difficult to orgasm! Measures: have a good appetite and a strong lift. Have some oysters! Oysters have always been known as “famous products of love”, and science has proved this traditional saying. 2-3 oysters can meet the needs of human body for zinc all day, and zinc is just an important mineral source to maintain the normal function of male reproductive system. Zinc will make men “sexual” exuberant!

Second place: high fat milk

Consequences: prostate cancer: men who consume more than 600 mg of calcium per day through dairy products are 32% more likely to develop prostate cancer than men who consume less than 150 mg of calcium per day! Daily intake of calcium through dairy products will inhibit the level of vitamin D in the blood. Vitamin D is not only an important nutrient, but also a hormone that can prevent the hyperplasia of prostate cancer cells, so as to prevent prostate cancer. Measures: pay more attention to healthy diet, such as eating less meat, regular exercise and eating more low-fat food, soybean food, vegetables and fruits. Use sex dolls and sex toys to make sex more fun.

Third place: refined flour

Consequence: let men not mention the reason: white bread and candy taste good, but if from the perspective of nutrition, it is not the case. In the process of processing whole wheat into refined bread, zinc will lose three quarters, which is very important for the cultivation of sexual desire and reproductive health. The highest amount of zinc in the body is also in the prostate. A high zinc diet helps prevent prostate hyperplasia.

Fourth place: soybeans

Consequence: the reason of affecting male sexual characteristics and reducing sperm quantity: soybean is a kind of food with estrogen characteristics. Excessive intake will improve the level of estrogen in the body, thus affecting male sexual characteristics. The researchers believe that the chemicals in soybeans can “mimic” the function of estradiol, the female hormone, leading to a reduction in sperm count. Measures: pay attention to the consumption amount, and pay attention to “excessive”. As long as it is not a large amount of daily intake, it will not be excessive.

Fifth place: fried food Consequence: decrease male hormone secretion cause: hydrogenation in vegetable oil can transform oil into solid state, and the fat contained in it is trans fat. As for the degree of damage, trans fat is better than saturated fat. French fries and other fried foods, biscuits and cookies contain trans fat. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) said trans fatty acids can increase the body’s “bad cholesterol” and increase the risk of heart disease. At the same time, trans fatty acids can also reduce the secretion of male hormones, have a negative impact on sperm, and interrupt sperm response in the body.