What happens to the human body during sexual intercourse under MRI?

Human beings are the only creatures in the world that do not have sex for the purpose of reproduction. Have you ever wondered why only humans can evolve sex?

Have you ever wondered what happens to the human body during sex? So after reading this article today, you may get the answer.

MRI images can let us see more intuitively, what happens inside the human body during sex?


First of all, under normal circumstances, the number of heartbeats of a person is 60 to 100 times per minute. Before “start”, our heart is still beating at a normal frequency, after “opening”, it may be slightly faster than normal.

However, as long as you are not the first time, there will be no heartbeat.

Respiratory system

Excluding the causes of physical strength and intense exercise, we will find that our breathing begins to become a little bit short before we start. But at this time, we can still self-regulate and control the breathing rhythm to adjust the state. This is due to the excitement of the central nervous system, causing your blood pressure to rise, muscle contraction, and body metabolism, which directly leads to the accelerated consumption of oxygen. Therefore, oxygen intake will need to be increased, causing you to breathe shortly.

The bladder and rectum also begin to tremble due to muscle contraction. This is why sex can sometimes make you feel urinary.


At this time, due to the secretion of adrenaline, you may experience brief pupil dilation and increase the focus of your eyes.

Of course, you may not have much obvious visual changes, but studies have shown that when people are emotional, their pupils can be enlarged to about 5-10 times, and they enter a state of excitement. At this time, people’s eyes tend to look bigger and more enlightening, and you may even feel that the other’s eyes are glowing.


Do you think your tongue is at your disposal? The pattern is broken, and excitement will make your tongue start to restless. At this time, your tongue is already in your mouth and you are eager to break through the cage.
With the appearance of tongue reflection, your saliva begins to secrete more, which will make you appear involuntary swallowing action.

Kissing will increase excitement, further increase the heart rate, breathe more quickly, and irregular contraction muscle tension begins to appear in the muscles of the whole body.

High-energy warning ahead

The picture below is the key process of sex.

At this time, our blood flow will be redistributed, and blood will gather on the body surface in a short time, resulting in more abundant blood flow in subcutaneous capillaries.

This makes your skin’s surface sensitivity and feeling more obvious than usual, and the muscles begin to change from irregular contractions to regular contractions.

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