Taiwan’s first sex-themed restaurant opens for genital food

The variety of themed restaurants on the streets of Taiwan, China can’t help but stop, from maid cafes to toilet-themed restaurants to medical institution-style snack shops, but these weirdly themed restaurants can’t satisfy local foodies. Taiwan’s first sex-themed restaurant, which opened in early 2014, provides more unique new options for foodies.

This sex-themed restaurant, named FunnySex, is located at No. 446, Zhongshan 2nd Road, Lingya District, Kaohsiung. It specializes in food with a variety of genital shapes and breast shapes, including genital-shaped rice balls and chocolate puddings ordered by women, and breasts ordered by men. Container with seafood soup and so on. The restaurant will also provide sex dolls to male customers who eat alone at the restaurant as an escort during meals.

Mrs. Chen, the deputy manager of the restaurant, said, “In the beginning, customers didn’t know that we were opening a restaurant because our brand logo was a pair of red underwear. Many people thought we were selling adult products.” She also said that although FunnySex now has Business is good, but it takes a lot of effort to be able to do so.

    Although the restaurant is full of inflatable dolls and genital foods, it is also educational. The restaurant specifically marks the average size of men’s genitalia in various countries. Congo’s 18 cm is the longest. Iceland’s 16.51 cm is the second largest. Others include the United States (12.95 cm), the United Kingdom (13.97 cm) and China. (10.92 cm), in the hope that sex can be fun and interesting, and the genitals can be presented to customers in an entertaining manner.

    It is reported that the restaurant also set up a merchandise exhibition area, selling a variety of tin-shaped toothpicks, chopsticks, hand sanitizer and other products, customers even have an illusion of genital phobia after visiting.