should you allow your man to own a sex doll?

People who buy sex dolls are not necessarily unmarried or single. If you find that your other half bought a sex doll, would you object?

The answer is different for this question. After all, every woman is unique. Let’s discuss together, you should let your husband buy a sex doll, and how to ensure that sex dolls will not have a negative impact on you and your other half.

If you agree with your other half to buy sex dolls, it is also a good choice. Girls will encounter some illnesses or other things that cannot satisfy the other half, so sex dolls offer another option. It turns out that most men are unfaithful. When their partner can’t meet their sexual needs, no matter what, allowing the purchase of sex dolls greatly reduces the possibility of infidelity.

If you agree to your other half to buy sex dolls, it will reduce their brothel escort to eliminate sexual desire. Of course, this can’t guarantee 100%, let her buy a doll, which provides ready-to-use options for couples or couples. For the two people, this is the most important and safest disease that can avoid unnecessary infections.

Of course, in order to ensure that the relationship between the two people is not broken, you can make a request and use it only at a specific time, such as pregnancy, illness, work-related business trip, and physiological period. If you overuse sex dolls, you will lose interest in your wife or partner.

As long as the two of you agree, sex dolls are only used for the sole purpose, and it is discouraged to bring in some public places. As long as the two parties agree, there is no reason to prohibit the other half from purchasing sex dolls.