Seven things couples need most

Some people often complain that sex life is not as good as they need. They are not only tired but also hard to realize the pleasure brought by sex. What is the problem? Research shows that couples need to say at least three love words every day, such as “I love you” and “I miss you”. A study by Houston State University also found that sweet words to a lover’s left ear are more likely to impress them. Marriage experts point out that compared with foreign couples, couples are likely to lack the following seven things. If we pay more attention and invest more, our life will become more harmonious and beautiful.

1. Intimacy: research shows that hugging, kissing and other actions to express intimacy are necessary for marriage. Japan’s wife loving family association has launched a “hug wife plan”, which requires the husband to give his wife several hugs every day, including the “regular hug” when going out every day, the “waiting for the opportunity hug” when waiting for the car and the traffic light, the warm hug from the back, holding the waist tightly together.

2. Love words: research shows that couples need to say at least three love words every day, such as “I love you” and “I miss you”. A study by Houston State University also found that sweet words to a lover’s left ear are more likely to impress them. If you don’t have a partner, a sex doll is also a good choice, and she can give you what your partner can give you.

3. Humor: humor can resolve and buffer conflicts and eliminate estrangement. Leng Li, a senior psychologist at Shanghai happy life marriage consulting company, told the life times that humor contains a lot of information: love your wife, coax her to be happy and praise her. The wife receives these information, the mood naturally cloudy turns clear.

4. Appreciation: Chinese are good at appreciating and praising their children, but they are used to looking at their spouses with critical eyes. There are many reasons, but in the long run, it will hurt the feelings and destroy the stability of marriage. Everyone wants to be praised, and the more praise you give, the more motivating it is to perform well. So talk about your appreciation of your partner.

5. Communication: known as “doctor of love”, Professor Huang Weiren of Northwestern University Medical School pointed out that the primary task of marital happiness is to learn communication and solve conflicts. “To enhance the effect of communication, on the one hand, praise should be used instead of criticism, especially not personal attack, on the other hand, less degree modifiers, such as often, always, too. In addition, communication should avoid four periods of physical fatigue, hunger, illness or heavy work, otherwise it will affect the effect. “

6. Childlike innocence: Leng Li pointed out that it is very important to keep a little more innocence, simplicity and have more hobbies and curiosity to improve the happiness of marriage. People with childlike innocence are more relaxed, happy and good at finding interesting things in life. After going home, the door is closed. The couple may learn to learn from their children, often play small games and play jokes with each other. They can adjust their dull and monotonous life.

7. Romance: romance is not necessarily flowers and wine, but money. Its form is rich and colorful. Its main connotation is to “do what he / she likes for his / her partner”. For example, if the wife likes to watch movies and her husband can bear to accompany her to watch them, it is romantic; if the husband goes home at night, the wife turns on the bedroom light and waits, and brings a bowl of hot porridge, it is also romantic.

Expert analysis: one side can say: “I want to invite you to participate in the activity together, because if we can’t share such a life, we can’t become a close couple.” The other side should also take a brave step, because in the marriage, only by making some compromises properly can the couple be more harmonious.