Female common sense nursing tips

Seven common sense of female private care

  1. Minimize the use of sanitary pads. If there are any secretions, the bottom of the pant may be wet and wet. You may wish to change your panties frequently.
  2. The genitals are the same as the underarms, which are prone to sweating. It is best to take a shower every day, especially to rinse immediately after sweating; choose sweat-absorbent cotton underwear to avoid hot and airless clothing such as jeans to keep the genitals Dryness is the most important.
  3. Although the popular thong is sexy, it is not easy to absorb sweat, and it is easy to cause friction and break the skin, which is easy to cause bacteria to invade. It is best to wear less.
  4. After using the toilet, the toilet paper should be wiped from front to back, not from back to front, so as to avoid the toilet paper touching the anus first, which may bring too much bacteria to the vaginal opening.
  5. Sexual behavior will also increase the chance of infection. The vulva should be cleaned before sex, and the semen should be discharged by Kegel exercise (abdominal force, pelvic contraction) after sex, because the semen is alkaline, which will change the vaginal acid and alkali. Value, people who want to conceive can also use this method, because the sperm runs fast, unaffected, or use a condom to avoid semen injection.
  6. In addition to mold, some pathogens are prone to exist in men. If a woman has an infection, you must pay attention to whether the sexual partner has similar problems (such as urethritis), and should be treated together. Otherwise, after the woman is cured, it may be infected by sexual contact. Repeated repeatedly.
  7. It is not clear whether the lactic acid bacteria in Yogurt can help vaginal health care, but drinking Yogurt more is a triable method, but it should not be used for lavage.

What are women’s private parts most afraid of?

  1. Fear of tights

Women love beauty. In order to create a beautiful figure, many women like to wear tight underwear or sculpting underwear, but wrapping Tai Chi mud will affect the health of private parts. If the wrap is too tight, the blood circulation in the private parts is blocked and the air circulation is not smooth, and secretions such as sweat glands are not easily volatilized, thereby causing vaginitis.

Coping method: Do not wear tight underwear. The clothes should be loose and breathable. It is best to choose pure cotton material to ensure the air and blood flow of the private parts.

  1. Fear of abortion

Abortion not only hurts the uterus, but also the vagina. Because the muscles of the vagina and pelvis have begun to relax during pregnancy. During the artificial abortion, the vagina is dilated and its elasticity is weakened. The tissues that are not cleanly discharged after the operation remain in the vaginal folds and the posterior fornix and enlarge the inner wall of the vagina.

Coping methods: Do contraception well and avoid abortion. The best method of contraception is to use a condom.

  1. Fear of excessive cleaning

Many women think that the cleaner the vagina is, the better. In fact, this idea is wrong. Because the vagina itself has a self-cleaning effect, if it is washed with lotion, it may break the acid-base balance of the vagina, resulting in dysbacteriosis, which will allow bacteria to invade more easily.

Coping method: Do not rinse the vagina with lotion without a doctor’s advice, and water is not recommended. Clean the vulva with warm water every day and change the underwear.

  1. Bacterial virus infestation

Women’s physiological structure is relatively special, with the vagina proximate the urethra and the lower anus. Many bacteria and viruses are easy to invade, which can easily lead to the verification of vulva and gynecological inflammation such as vaginitis. And the female genitalia directly communicates with the outside world, so the bacteria can also directly invade the uterine and fallopian tubes, causing inflammation in the body.

Coping method: wash the vulva with clean warm water every day, and change the underwear every day. The vulva and underwear should be washed in a special basin. The washed underwear should be hung in the sun to sterilize.

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