What you need to know about sex doll quality issues

  • Obtained a different doll from the one ordered.
  • You get a damaged doll
  • The quality of the doll you get is too cheap, because the joints are too tight or the doll is too heavy to use it.

Usually this happens easily after buying a cheap sex doll. If the price of the doll you bought is cheap, then you will end up with a very cheap copy, which is completely different from the beautiful pictures on the website of. You will most likely receive a defective real doll, and if it is too good to hold, then it won’t hold.

False review sites Don’t believe it, review sites that recommend you to buy cheap sex dolls are simple and straightforward, just fake review sites. They have never bought a sex doll in their lifetime. How do they view unpurchased items? No matter what they claim, they don’t know at all.

So how much is the price to avoid falling into the scam of cheap sex dolls? If you want to invest in sex dolls, please be prepared to pay at least 1700 USD, depending on your dear size of choice. Smaller sex dolls start at about $ 899.