Sex doll and sexual culture relationship

Talking about the trend of the sex doll industry, the development of the sex products market and other topics, we have to talk about the development of sexual culture, because these two have an inseparable relationship, can be said to be complementary and complementary, mutual development, but also closely related, the rise and fall of the relationship.

The development of the love doll industry and even the whole sex products industry cannot be separated from the popularization and development of sex culture. Without the drive of the latter, no matter how well the relevant manufacturers and enterprises do the sex products, it is of no help. After all, it is the most important thing whether consumers buy them or not.

Male and female dolls are available in adult stores. Different from children’s dolls, the toy is made of silica gel or plastic to imitate the human body structure. The volume of the solid is close to the adult size. The solid is soft and elastic. Male and female physiological conditions are different, often cause male and female orgasm time is different, at this time can be used as a prelude to sexual love or sexual love after the sex is still unsatisfied auxiliary appliances, achieve harmony and perfect;

real doll

In the next 10 years, the real doll will completely replace the other half and become the “perfect lover”, saving the earth more than 30 million older single men, helping them release pressure, get out of the trouble of “single dog”, and live a more relaxed, healthy and youthful life. It is applicable to the elderly living alone and the empty-nesters. The market prospect is huge, and the elderly living alone and empty-nesters will also be the biggest beneficiaries.

The development of sexual culture is the biggest and only pillar of the trend of real sex doll industry and the trend of sex products industry. Only developmental culture, universal knowledge, improve sexual awareness, enhance people open attitude towards sex, out of the talk about the idea of sexual color change, such as tiger beast and error, can let the baby industry and show vitality, the industry as a whole sex products and related industries to flourish, will feedback consumers, make people produce more healthy, more rational values, to derive a more positive attitude.