Do you want to wash the solid dolls immediately?

As more and more baby friends enter our baby circle, there are many newcomers in the forum. Recently, some friends asked how to clean the baby and how to maintain […]

Are sex toys safe?

Yes, if you use them responsibly and keep them clean – otherwise, sex toys can pass on sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and infections passed on through the blood (blood-borne infections). Avoiding STIs […]

The ‘real Function’ of physical dolls

In the age of information explosion, we are not unfamiliar with the term inflatable doll The word itself carries a lot of aura, both good and bad A good reputation […]

Is it difficult to climax after giving birth?

After giving birth, it is difficult to experience orgasm. What’s wrong? With the increase of age, the intensity of orgasm is getting worse. Is there any way to improve it? […]

Silicone doll VS TPE doll

I want to buy a physical doll that suits your wishes, but then you will hesitate to buy which kind of doll is better. TPE, or silicone doll? Today, I […]

Physical doll fraud prevention and purchase guide!

Now shopping on the Internet, not only can not leave the massive taobao, but also can enjoy a variety of e-commerce platform discount and express home, door-to-door delivery services, which […]

Are ‘real dolls’ more than a toy?

When we face difficulties, embarrassment, and unknown, everyone around you reminds you to be more sophisticated, more mature, and more independent. You can’t help but shrink, cowardice, and doubt. And […]