Knowing tips for sex life harmony

  • Listen, don’t resist and interfere. Even if you do n’t like your sex partner ’s words, do n’t quickly negate or even criticize them. You have to listen for a few minutes, and then think about it. After a while, you might think he is right. You learn to listen and listen patiently before you know how to tell.
  • When two people talk, you should learn to look at each other’s eyes. In this way, you will experience the fun of communicating with each other. Your sexual partner will also understand and care about your story. In general, older women may boldly state their sexual requirements when they feel safe.
  • Pay attention to your partners and friendship. Remember, you are sexual partners, and you have to make a sexual partner’s appearance-caring, caring and loving. You need his love, and you should know that he also needs your love. So good communication is very important.
  • 4. When people think of men and sex toys, men who buy masturbation tools and then masturbate while watching AV in the basement appear in their minds. But the truth about men and sex toys is that millions of men use them, whether they are in a relationship or when they are single. The best way for a man to become a better lover is to understand his own sexual response. Regardless of whether you use sex toys, masturbation is a key way to learn how to control your body. The use of sex toys or sex dolls does not mean that this man is a “loser”. He is actually very smart, and may well perform better in bed. Because he is interested in sex and pays more attention to skills.