Excessive masturbation leads to male impotence, premature ejaculation, and erectile dysfunction.

According to a survey conducted by the World Health Organization, most male friends have the habit of masturbation, so they are not unfamiliar with the term masturbation. However, excessive masturbation can lead to many male diseases, such as erectile dysfunction or impotence. It is one of them, so what should I do if it leads to impotence?

This situation is first of all to stabilize the mood, do not drink alcohol, do not eat spicy food and other irritating foods, do not have masturbation, the key to quitting masturbation, if necessary, go to the urology department of a regular hospital for diagnosis and treatment, and formulate reasonable treatment measures based on the examination results. Chinese medicine for kidney fitness.
In terms of diet, eat less greasy food, and eat greasy, spicy food and avoid alcohol. Don’t stay up late, get enough sleep, get up early, and exercise. Also, try to keep a happy attitude and enhance the body’s resistance. At the same time, with several health therapies, the body can better recover:

  1. Dietary adjustment methods
    Diet adjustment is a good way to treat premature ejaculation caused by excessive masturbation. Male friends can eat more aphrodisiac and solid essence foods. Such foods are rich in zinc. Zinc can not only improve the body’s immunity, but also semen and semen. An important component of sex hormones. For example, leek, mutton, animal kidney, seafood, fish and shrimp, kelp, etc.
  2. Physical exercise adjustment methods
    Physical exercise is also of great significance to the conditioning of male premature ejaculation. Experts said that moderate physical exercise can strengthen the body, nourish the spirit, and promote the recovery of premature ejaculation.
  3. Acupoint massage method
    Acupoint massage is the essence of traditional Chinese medicine, and it can play a significant role in regulating male premature ejaculation. Massage through acupoints can promote the recovery of premature ejaculation, relax blood vessels, increase blood circulation, and promote the active erection of the penis. Massage can also stimulate sexual nerves and regulate the response of rational nerves to sexual signals.

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