Five common problems bomb love

  1. Don’t talk about unpleasant things that happened

In love, we often discuss the unpleasant things. It’s like when you have a notebook in your time, when the other party makes you angry, it’s 1 point less. When the other party forgets to buy a gift on your birthday, it’s 1 point less. When the other party is angry with you, it’s 1 point less. But when the score is added, it’s often not recorded. Once we start doing this kind of homework, we will find that turning over old accounts has become a habit. Every time the other party makes a mistake, he will think of more mistakes he made before, and he seems to become more unable to forgive. So instead of constantly scoring love, it’s better to speak up at every moment when you find problems and work with each other to solve them. Even if you encounter an unsolved problem, you can minimize the damage to two people by speaking out your discomfort in time.

2. It’s more useful to talk straight than to hint

Criticism always makes people feel uncomfortable, so when you are not happy, you don’t say it directly, but “intelligently” choose to hint at each other, or use the forced invasion method to make the other party feel your dissatisfaction. Do you think it is an art of expression? Do you think you have found a good way to communicate? If the other person doesn’t understand you, you will be more resentful. This is an ineffective way of communication, and it will make your communication more and more difficult, because it will make both people feel that the other party is not willing to communicate with themselves. Therefore, the most important thing in the coexistence of two people is to be frank and exchange ideas with each other. If you have any dissatisfaction or unhappiness, just let it out! Don’t let the other party guess. If the sexual life is not harmonious, you can use sex toys and sex dolls to alleviate the problem.

3. Don’t say “break up” often

What is emotional hijacking? When one party makes a mistake, the other party immediately says, “if you do, let’s break up!”! You are sad that the anniversary you are waiting for is forgotten by the other party. But you didn’t say, “you forgot our anniversary. I’m so sad. I’ve been waiting for a long time!” But said: “you can forget the anniversary, you didn’t put me in mind, let’s break up!” This kind of communication method will make the other side start to fear you, and start to worry about a little bit of their own mistakes will bring about a break in the relationship.

4. Don’t transfer your anger on your lover

In this way, depending on the behavior of the other half will cause too much dependence on each other in connection, and also cause dissatisfaction and suffering of the dependent party. Of course, this doesn’t mean that you can’t seek support from your partner when you’re not happy. Just understand that you are the one who should be responsible for your mood, and that your partner can be an important supporter in dealing with your mood.

5. Gifts can’t cover up problems

People’s subconscious is to avoid suffering, so we also like to use good things to cover up bad things in contact. When you make a mistake and make your partner sad, you have a big fight. You feel that you are not right, but instead of dealing with the problem, you buy him a gift or a romantic dinner. You think it will make the other party happy and forget your own problems. Sounds good, but can gifts compensate for the damage? Maybe the other half forgives you because of your sincerity, but the hurt that has been formed is deeply buried in his heart. If you do break up, you’ll deal with sex dolls.

Looking at the above mistakes in contact processing, have you found that the core of contact maintenance is sincere communication and timely handling of problems. Guessing, invading or covering up each other’s problems are ineffective, and can only be made more difficult!