Why are sexual doll brothels closed?

In the year of opening a sex doll brothel in various countries and regions of the world, it really is rare to survive for more than one year. What caused this?
In fact, there are also local cultures and beliefs, and the most important thing is health. Some countries’ cultures do not allow such brothels to be opened, and some countries believe that this is a very filthy thing, but more people are worried about health issues. So how many people use it, what is the difference between a real sex worker?

The most important thing is that some people are still in the residential area, which seriously affects the children of most families, so it will be opposed by many people around. Recently, the opening of a sex doll brothel in Hong Kong, China was forced to close because of health problems. Some people will think in their hearts that China cannot open a sex doll brothel?

I don’t think it is possible to open it because China’s education and culture are very resistant to this category because it can easily affect the growth of young people and the residents of the open areas.
In fact, instead of going to a sex doll brothel, it is better to buy a sex doll at home, and it is easy to store, and it will not deteriorate. The most important thing is that the right to use the whole sex doll is yours, you don’t have to worry about others using it. Because she belongs to one person.
If you are looking for a sex doll shop, I can recommend one for you:  u love sex doll