What If The State Handed Out Free Sex Dolls?

If the state were to give out free sex dolls, it would be a controversial move that would likely spark a lot of debate.

On the one hand, some people may argue that it would be a way to reduce the risk of sexually transmitted infections and unwanted pregnancies. And it is also a great way to provide sexual pleasure to those who are unable to find it in other ways.

On the other hand, many people would be concerned about the potential for increased objectification of women and the potential for increased sexual violence, and could lead to a decrease in respect for women in society.

Furthermore, there are also potential ethical implications to consider. For example, would it be ethical to provide a sex doll to someone who is not in a position to give informed consent? Would it be ethical to provide a sex doll to someone who is not of legal age?

Ultimately, if the state were to give out free sex dolls, it would be a complicated decision that would require a lot of thought and consideration. It is difficult to say whether or not the state should provide free sex dolls. So it is important to weigh the potential benefits against the potential risks before making a final decision.