Truth about men and sex toys

  • Men use sex toys doesn’t mean they can’t get real sex

When people think of men and sex toys, they think of men who buy masturbation toys and watch av masturbate in the basement. But the truth about men and sex toys is that millions of men use them, whether they’re in a relationship or single. The best way for a man to be a better lover is to understand his sexual response. Whether or not you use a sex toy, masturbation is a key way to learn how to control your body. Using sex toys doesn’t mean a man is a “loser”. He’s actually smart and probably better in bed. Because he is interested in sex and is more skillful.

  • Sex toys never make sex unnatural

We hear a lot of false claims about sex, one of which is that natural sex means only physical contact. If you use pencil and paper, isn’t it unnatural to draw? Of course not. It doesn’t make sex unnatural if we use tools or toys to make it more interesting. Sex toys are not activated by batteries, but by our imagination.

  • Sex toys never be bad

There’s nothing good or bad about sex toys except those that can be dangerous. Sex toys are all about how we use them. A vibrator may be too strong for one person, but it may be perfect for another. Even some are choosing the popular sex dolls in life size for better sexual life. The trick is to find the right sex toy for you. Most sex toys can be liked by some people and disliked by others.