Whether sex robots will be prescribed by doctors?

Imagine this: a fully realistic robot of your own customized sex doll, capable of fully performing any sexual act you can dream of. It looks, smells and sounds very real. Your state-sponsored insurance covers her expenses in full. In fact, she is free – prescribed by your physician to help you officially become a “sexual dysfunction” patient. Recent federal legislation with overwhelming majorities in the house and senate makes this medical prescription fully legal.

We are hiding behind computer screens and smartphones, which keeps us away from others. Now suppose that we suddenly meet the most basic satisfaction of the robot, even “love.” Just as the late comedian George Carlin shouted in another case: “I will never leave home!” This is the problem: we need to leave home. We need to interact. We need to be with others. But sex robots can make all these things redundant.

Experts say the health benefits claimed by robotic sex doll marketers – safer sex life, treatment possibilities and the potential to treat pedophiles and sex offenders – have not been proven or even adequately studied.

Sex psychotherapists should study the therapeutic value of sexual robots. Robots can help patients engage in sexual activity without stress, but how will they affect empathy, intimacy and interpersonal relationships? No studies have shown that they meet intimate relationships or companion needs, or exacerbate these needs.